Boosting Ankle Mobility: Incorporating Tib Bar Raises and Calf Raises into Your Routine

Better Ankle Mobility with Tib Bar Raises and Calf Raises

Have you ever had a moment where you thought, "Wow, my ankles could be more flexible!"? Well, I have. For someone who loves fitness, I found out the hard way that my ankle mobility was, let's just say... a bit rusty.

My Aha Moment with Ankle Mobility

Trying the 5-inch wall test was an eye-opener. Standing five inches away from a wall and trying to touch it with my knee without lifting my heel? Not as easy as it sounds. That simple test showed that my ankle mobility was definitely lacking. And between 2020 to 2021, my knees sure weren't happy about it. They made their discomfort known.

What I Learned About Ankle Health

Our ankles do a lot of heavy lifting (pun intended) when it comes to our daily movements, especially when working out. Whether you're jumping, running, or squatting, flexible ankles can make all the difference. They can help balance better, squat deeper, and even reduce strain on your knees.

Improving Ankle Mobility and Saying Goodbye to Pain

So, what's a fitness enthusiast to do with wobbly ankles? I dove deep into research and recommendations. Big shoutout to @kneesovertoesguy and @squatuniversity for their incredible insights!

Turns out, doing calf raises before hitting the weights or going for a run can be a game changer. It's like giving your ankles a quick stretch and telling them, "Hey, we got this!" And guess what? My knees started feeling better.

Step Up Your Ankle Game with Tib Bar Raises

Now, calf raises are great, but to really level up your ankle strength, Tib Bar raises are where it's at. By using the Tib Bar, you can target those often overlooked muscles at the front of your shin. This helps balance out the strength and flexibility of your ankle, giving it the support it needs.

Enhancing Your Warm-Up and Cooldown

These days, I don't just rush into my workouts. I take a moment to prep my ankles. By holding the stretch at the bottom of my calf and Tib Bar raises for a few seconds, it feels like I'm giving my ankles a mini massage. They thank me by feeling smooth and pain-free during my exercises.

If you're tired of your ankles feeling like rusty door hinges, or if you're just looking for a way to boost your mobility, then I highly recommend calf raises and Tib Bar raises. And hey, if you need a Tib Bar to get started, we've got your back. Check out our shop (Shipping across Europe).

Medical Disclaimer: Remember, always chat with a healthcare pro before diving into new exercises. Everyone's different, and this blog post is just sharing what worked for me. Safety first!
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