Tib Bar Bros - Europe's best Tib Bar (Tibialis Trainer)

Conquering Shin Splints: The Grinch of Running

Shin Splints: The Grinch of the Running World

Have you ever wondered what the Grinch and shin splints have in common?
Like that notorious Christmas-stealing character, shin splints won't ruin your life — but they'll make every run an uncomfortable slog.
Talk about a mood-ruiner!

Why Do We Even Get Shin Splints?

The primary culprit? Your shin muscles are taking on too much stress, absorbing the shock from every stride you make.
This leads to tiny tears in the muscles, resulting in that annoying, aching pain we call shin splints.

What Exactly Are Shin Splints? A Closer Look

Shin splints, or medial tibial stress syndrome, refer to pain along the inner edge of the shinbone (tibia).
Simply, it's inflammation in the shin muscles, tendons, and other tissues. The pain is overworked shin muscles & bony structures from activities like running or jumping.

The Root Cause: Weak Tibialis Anterior

One significant contributor to shin splints is the weakness in the tibialis anterior muscle. This muscle runs along the front of your shin and plays a crucial role in controlling the motion of your foot.
A weak tibialis anterior can't support the foot's arch or control its landing during running, leading to increased stress on the shinbone and surrounding tissues, bones, and ligaments. Strengthening this muscle is often key to treating and preventing shin splints.

The Emotional Ruin of Shin Splints

Thanks DJ for that technical mumbo-jumbo.
But here's how Shin Splints hurt more --
Ever find yourself stuck on the couch, staring into space, and daydreaming about that exhilarating rush of a good run?
You remember the wind in your hair, the pounding of your feet on the pavement, and that unparalleled feeling of freedom.
And when you're about to hit your PR (personal record), reality sets in: you've got shin splints.
The emotional letdown is as real as the physical pain, leaving you feeling stuck and restless.

Short-term Fixes: Let's Get You Back Out There

So how do you get back to pounding the pavement or blazing the trails?
Here's the short-term game plan:
  1. Take a breather: Reduce running until you're shin splint-free. Yes, that might even mean putting those running shoes away for a bit.
  2. Stretch and strengthen: Once the pain has subsided, get into the routine of stretching AND strengthening the affected area. Strengthening creates more resiliency so they can better handle the impact of running.

Long-term Solutions: A Future Without Shin Splints

Enough with the Band-Aid solutions, let's look at how you can prevent shin splints in the long run:
  1. Check your gait: Are you stomping more than you're gliding? Time to smooth out those strides.
  2. Plan your runs: Make sure your run lengths match your recovery capacity. Don't go overboard, especially if you're getting back into the groove.
  3. Train your shin muscles: Integrate Tib Raises into your routine at least 1-2 times a week. Consistent training increases the muscles' work capacity and reduces shin splints.

Introducing: Tibialis Training

If you haven't heard about it yet, welcome to the world of Tibialis Training.
This is the ultimate long-term solution to your shin splint woes.
Think of your tibialis muscles as the unsung heroes of your lower leg. Training them helps you absorb more impact, which means less stress and less pain!

Why the Tib Raise?

Among all the exercises out there, why go for Tib Raises?
Simple: they target the Tibialis, making them the best-bang-for-buck exercise for shin splints.
And the best part? They take 30-60 seconds so you can add them into your regular workout or as a warm-up.

Why The Tib Bar is Your Shin Splints’ Worst Nightmare

If you're serious about keeping shin splints at bay, meet your new best friend: the Tib Bar.
Especially when warming up for runs, the Tib Bar is a lifesaver (and timesaver).
30-60 seconds of Tib Bar Raises works wonders for shin splint prevention.

Ready to Say Goodbye to Shin Splints?

If you want to run shin splint-free, grab your Tib Bar at our shop. Over 2500+ customers found shin splint relief through our Tib Bars.
Lastly, don't forget to subscribe to our email newsletter, below! We save the best discounts (20%+), new sale prices, and early product launches for our subscribers!
Remember, a run should steal your breath, not your joy.
Let's get back to those PRs and the wind-in-your-hair moments we all love so much.
Medical Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider before starting any new fitness routine, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or are taking medication. The author and the website are not responsible for any injuries or health issues that may occur due to the information presented in this article.
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